2023 Seoyon E-Hwa Tech Show
작성일 23-05-10 16:27

The ‘2023 Seoyon E-Hwa Tech Show was held for three days from April 25th to April 27th.
The ‘SF-24’ concept model, which presents the future of automotive interior technology, and about 40 new technologies were exhibited.
On April 25-26, 160 Hyundai/Kia employees visited. On April 27th, 120 executives and employees from affiliates/partners visited. A total of 280 external personnel praised Seoyon E-
Hwa's ability to develop new technologies.
The main opinions of the observers are as follows.
1. Proactively suggest applying Seoyon E-Hwa's proprietary technology related to the development of eco-friendly recycled materials to new models.
2. I hope that Seoyon E-Hwa will supervise and develop the ability to develop films so that the details of surface treatment (films) can be more marketable.
3. Recently, there are many eco-friendly issues in line with ESG management, so in the future, please develop additional technologies from natural material injection to visible type.
4. Seoyon E-Hwa has excellent design capabilities. When developing a new car, please suggest a design based on Seoyon E-Hwa technology related to interior parts.
5. Mood Lamp It seems that the exhibition was held appropriately at the time of the integrated bidding. It was good to see Seoyeon E-Hwa's prepared lamp technology and evaluation method.