Our aim is to enhance the well-being of humanity
by crafting top-tier products and services rooted in the highest
caliber of human resources.

Management Philosophy

  • 01 Establish a company that
    is cherished and held
    in high esteem

  • Deliver exceptional products and
    services to our customers
    through creativity
    and innovation

  • 03 Establish a company that
    operates with unified intent,
    founded on principles of honesty
    and open communication

  • Establish an organization
    that cultivates and empowers
    employees to evolve into top-tier
    professionals in their respective fields

By 2030, we aim to become a world-class company excelling
in two or more businesses with the most competitive edge globally

More than two businesses
We aim to establish one or more of the most competitive businesses
within our primary fields: the automobile parts industry and emerging sectors.

최고의 경쟁력
사업을 영위하는 시장에서 이해관계자 모두(경쟁사, 고객)가
인정할 수 있는 수준을 갖추고자 합니다.

인류의 행복
단순히 양적 규모(매출, 영업이익)로 판단하는 것이 아닌, 제품,
사람, 경영기법 등 각 분야에서 질적으로 초일류에 도달한 기업이
되고자 합니다.

A global company poised to lead the future automobile parts market