Grand Prize for National Sustainable Management
작성일 16-06-15 20:51
Seoyon E-Hwa received the an award from the Minister of Employment and Labor in the Labor Cooperation division at the ‘10th National Sustainable Management Awards.’
The 10th National Sustainable Management Awards was held by the
Association of Korean Journalists to encourage sustainable management systems
for balanced advancement and sustained growth. Outstanding companies were
selected in accordance with the “Sustainable management evaluation model
(KSME-CSM)” that comprehensively evaluates social, economic, environmental, and
strategic sustainability.
Seoyon E-Hwa is a company that provides
a high level of welfare for its employees. For the stable life of the
employees, the company operates staff apartments and welfare funds, and
provides educational expenses. Moreover, the company is assisting the employees'
health with a fitness center at each of the business sites, and funds for
health inspections and treatment, etc. It also operates a childcare center to
establish a family-friendly culture.
Seoyon E-Hwa is cultivating human
resources through systematic educational curriculum for each of the ranks and
divisions (value, leadership and duties, etc.) of the HR Development Center,
and is providing a diverse range of opportunities for career development. In
addition, the company provides foreign language education to train globally
competent personnel, and basic ethics education for a sustainable corporate
culture, etc.
Thanks to these welfare policies, many long-term employees with an
average period of employment of more than 14.6 years are working at the
company. They are putting in their utmost efforts to make our company one of
the foremost leading companies in the world.